SecretCity 5





SecretCity 5

[[tab Videos]]


Author Turrican
Date of release Beta - Some time in 2007
.bsp filename secretcity5beta


You appear in a building in an oddly angular city. What badly executed secrets can you discover here?

Tip: Go down the stairs

Additional info

The map have been updated to the new versions of Sven Co-op and the stuff that couldn't be there before because of the old limits have been added, it is recommended to play the new version instead

This map, like most other Secret City maps, incomplete due to an engine limitation. You will find yourself taken on top of a building with a vent entrance after the final credits room — that's the one with the pictures, not the one in the small black room.
If you find yourself in a small icy area with a Turrican door, you're at the end of a puzzle chain and must kill yourself to continue from the start. If you have not found all the super duper secrets by this point, you need to look harder.
Preceded by SecretCity 4. Followed by SecretCity 6??
This map has many more secret places and triggers than previous secret city maps. You really need to look hard to find them all!
All of the 'Super Secret Tiggers' must be found to unlock the door to the city, although you don't need it as you can leave via a side exit.
Finding all 'Super Duper Secret Tiggers' will activate a bonus area!

Additional credits

  • Slidje and me - (New Textures)
  • Slidje, Vorinc, Keen, BurnOut64(Xirex) for helping with the map
  • Slidje, Keen Pickle Head, Lurid, Saff, Dredfurst, Amnizu, Fanerfaust, Wrim, Vorinc, CkDead, Incy247, Beast, Cozmicshredder, Qualjyn, TransparenT, Xirex, 60 Meg File, Freakingueo, Evil Penta Penguin, * Dizney, Nomble, The Real Game, and Sharkman — Thanks to (credits texture)


2007 city fun nsfw puzzle secrets size:large traps

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